Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gendered Facilities

College campuses provide intellectual forums for discussing political movements and social tolerance. Now, university restrooms are also a place for promoting social equality.

            More than 150 campuses now have gender-neutral restrooms in an effort to combat stereotypical gender binaries and provide a space for gender nonconforming individuals. The Queer Resource Center at Harvard has been working to transform the school's gendered bathrooms into gender-neutral spaces while Portland State University has also begun updating its campus restrooms. These new bathrooms are designed to protect transgendered students from the intimidation and harassment they might encounter in traditional gendered bathrooms.

           In response to the demand for gender-neutral restrooms, UCR provides unisex, single-occupancy restrooms across campus. These restrooms are open to those who are gender nonconforming, have small children, need an attendant's assistance, or simply feel more comfortable using a non-gendered facility. The LGBT Resource Center's website lists the locations of all the gender-neutral bathrooms at UCR.

          In any case, it's ABOUT TIME. Male/female gender binaries are restrictive and simply don't represent the entire population. People who don't fit society's cookie cutter mold for gender deserve a restroom that doesn't discriminate against them. It's not an unreasonable demand.

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